Love Thy Neighbor

Temple Beth Ami’s Response to Racial Injustice

Our world is terribly fractured, broken, and so are we because of systemic racial injustice that continues to plague our nation and cause untold damage in our community 

Yet our tradition teaches us that the world does not have to be this way and that we must be part of the solution. Even when this may feel daunting and overwhelming, the rabbis teach, “It is not for you to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it.” [Pirkei Avot 2:16] 

Our task, then, is to find ways to become agents of healing, recognizing that the problem of racial injustice has been with us for a very long time and that it will take time, effort, discomfort, and honesty to bring tikkun (repair) into our community. 

The Torah’s sacred teachings call us to love our neighbor, to hear the cries of the vulnerable, to pursue justice, and to see each and every human being as created in the very image of the divine. 

We reject the brokenness of the world as it is, in favor of the Divine vision of the world as it should and can be.  

In addition to ongoing programming, we encourage you to read, watch, learn, and share these resources to help further the necessary dialogues we must have to live our Jewish values and be part of building a more equitable community.