Stand with Israel Icon

As a proud Zionist congregation, TBA unequivocally supports Israel’s right to exist and defend herself. We hope and pray for the day when Israel will be able to coexist in security and peace with all her neighbors. We also mourn the loss of life in Gaza as Israel seeks to rescue the hostages and defeat Hamas. To help you learn more about the complexities, challenges, and seemingly intractable difficulties Israelis and Palestinians face, we offer the following programs and website resources:

Current News and Information

Rabbi Pokras and Rabbi Weiss have created this page to help you answer common questions about the war, including:

  • Why Israel is Not a Settler Colonial State
  • Four Reasons Why the Events in Gaza are NOT “Genocide”
  • What Does the Slogan “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free” Mean?
  • What Does the Slogan “By All Means Necessary” Mean?

Recently Rabbis Pokras, Weiss, and Luxemburg signed this joint letter from Maryland rabbis to Senator Chris Van Hollen to reconsider his rhetoric on Israel. The rabbis wrote: “While Israel fights against terror and threats of annihilation, we are aghast by [the senator’s] claims about war crimes and your portrayal of Israel as the aggressor,” slamming Van Hollen for efforts to condition or cut off military aid to Israel, which the letter describes as necessary to protect Israelis and Palestinians from Hamas.” Read more here.

Members of our Israel Matters’ community recently shared the following noteworthy articles and op-eds. Depending on the source, a subscription may be required for reading. Click here to join the Israel Matters list serve.

Relevant News Sources and Jewish Organizations

We encourage you to stay updated by following these news outlets and Jewish organizations:

Email Ed Sondik to join TBA’s Israel Matters list serve to learn more and engage in ongoing discussions about Israel. 

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