Gan Ami Summer Program 2025 Key Facts and Important Details
We are happily planning for a fun summer full of water, bubbles and so much more! The following are some of the activities that our Summer Program will include. We have designed days filled with safe, enjoyable, age-appropriate experiences for young children.
Music with Miss Gina:
For those of you who have been here before, you know Miss Gina is a beloved children’s music specialist. We play with lots of props as we learn patterns and practice rhyming and rhythms. Each class will meet with her weekly.
Water Play:
Children will play in sprinklers and explore sinking, floating, pouring, and splashing in wading pools!
Gan Ami Track for Gimels and Dalets
Riding Toys will challenge our leg muscles! We will use a portion of the front parking lot that will be coned off to create a secure area.
And that’s only a taste! Our expert staff is preparing 6 weeks full of summer joy!

Weekly Themes
Week 1: June 16-20, Fun in the Sun (Closed 6/19)
Week 2: June 23-27, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Week 3: June 30-July 3, The Colors of the Rainbow (Closed 7/4)
Week 4: July 7-11, DINO-MITE Dinosaurs!
Week 5: July 14-18, Play Ball!
Week 6: July 21-25, Echoes of Nature
Gan Ami Summer Program Hours
Bets (age 2): Monday – Friday, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Gimels (age 3) and Dalets (age 4): Monday – Friday, 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Aftercare for Gimels (age 3) and Dalets (age 4): Monday – Friday, 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM (Priority given to Kayitz siblings)
Morning Drop-Off: Use the same procedure we follow during the school year. From 9:20 – 9:40, drive to the front school entrance, and we will help your child out of the car to begin their day.
12:00 and 1:00 Pick-ups: Park in a legal spot, and enter Gan Ami to pick up your child at their classroom door.
3:30 Pick-up for children with older siblings in Kayitz: Follow the line around the parking lot to the front of the Temple and pick up your children together in the Kayitz carpool line.
3:30 Pick-up for children without siblings in Kayitz: Parents park and enter Gan Ami to pick up your children from their classroom.
Here Is What You Need To Do
Please submit all the required paperwork. All forms and details can be found here. In addition, all our policies regarding health protocols, photography, and more can be found in our Parent Handbook.
Here is what you need to prepare for Gan Ami’s Summer Program:
- Labels: ALL items coming to Gan Ami must be clearly marked with your child’s name. Even the socks!
- Sunscreen: Please apply sunscreen before your camper arrives at Gan Ami each morning.
- Backpack: Your child will carry a backpack into camp each morning. It should be big enough to carry their towel, change of clothes, extra clothes, and lunch (for Gimels and Dalets). It should be small enough for your child to carry independently!
- Bathing suit: Your child should wear a bathing suit to camp every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings. If possible, girls should wear 2-piece suits, as it makes toileting and changing much easier.
- Large Plastic Ziploc-type Bag: Each day, please place a bag in the backpack which will be used to send home wet clothing.
- Change of clothes: Pack a change of clothes for after water play every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday – shirt, shorts, underwear, socks etc. LABEL, LABEL, LABEL EVERYTHING!
- Extra change of clothes: An additional, extra set of clothes, including socks and shoes, should remain in your camper’s backpack throughout the summer weeks. Extra clothes must be labeled and placed in a Ziploc bag with their name on the outside.
- Summer Spirit Wear: Each child will receive a Gan Ami Summer shirt during our Meet and Greets. We ask that children wear their shirts each Thursday, as will our staff. Children can of course wear the shirts more often. Children are also encouraged to wear blue and white every Friday to celebrate Shabbat.
- Gimels and Dalets should wear water shoes to camp on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings, and pack sneakers with their change of clothes for the day. They should wear sneakers all day on Thursday and Friday. Open-toed sandals and Crocs are NOT allowed during regular play.
- Bets should wear sneakers to camp every day and pack water shoes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Sneakers must be worn at all times other than water play. Open-toed sandals and Crocs are NOT allowed during regular play.
- Towel: Your child will bring a clean beach towel each Monday which will be kept at Gan Ami for water play and sent home each Wednesday. LABEL IT!
- Snacks and Water: Snacks will be provided for campers each day. Please send a water bottle, labeled with their name. All snacks will be nut free and may include such things as pretzels, crackers, cereal, cheese and fruit.
- Lunch: Gimels and Dalets (not Bets) eat lunch each day at camp. Lunch is provided by parents and will be refrigerated. Lunch boxes, bento boxes, or paper bags are acceptable. Our food policy prohibits any foods containing peanuts, tree nuts, pork, or shellfish.
- Bike Helmet: Since we will be using riding toys outside, each Gimel and Dalet child will be required to wear a helmet. Please send a labeled helmet that can be left on site. If this is not possible, please contact us to find an option.
Meet and Greet
Friday, June 13, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Please gather on the playground and you will be called in small groups to meet your child’s teachers and assistants. This is a great opportunity to see the room and pick up a special treat! Please see below for the specific time of your child’s open house:
Bets (2’s): 9:30 – 10:30 AM
Gimels (3’s): 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Dalets (4’s): 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
As always, please let us know if you have any questions. We are looking forward to a fantastic summer!
Chris Mullett
Program Coordinator, Gan Ami Summer Program
Bari Handelman
Administrative Manager, Early Childhood at Temple Beth Ami
Paula Sayag
Director, Early Childhood at Temple Beth Ami