Spaces in all Kibbutz programs are limited. Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
*Kibbutz is available on days when Gan Ami core classes are in regular session, and Kibbutz may close at 2:00 on the day before a holiday.
Part-Time Care
Early Arrival ($20 per day) or Aftercare up until 5:30 ($20 per hour or fraction thereof). Bet, Gimel, and Dalet children may be pre-registered for a consistent schedule of part-time early or after care for the entire school year.
Drop-In Care
Early Arrival ($25 per day) or Aftercare ($25 per hour or fraction thereof). Gimel and Dalet children (Bets are not eligible) may ‘drop-in’ for early arrival or aftercare up until 4:00 with a minimum of 24 hours notice given to the school.
Return to the Gan Ami Home Page for more information on Core Classes and Policies.
If you have any questions about Gan Ami Extended Day Program, please contact Paula Sayag.
Payment Policies for Gan Ami School Year Classes
- Registration fee is paid per child at the time of registration and is non-refundable.
- Tuition for core school classes and ongoing extended care is paid in 10 equal installments, beginning July 15 before the start of the school year and ending on April 15.
- Annual Security Fee is paid per family with the first tuition installment on July 15 and is non-refundable.
- Monthly tuition payments will be scheduled on the 15th of each month, July to April, by Temple Beth Ami in the guardian’s ShulCloud account using the method of payment (credit card or ACH) used at the time of Registration. Please note: All payments scheduled on credit cards will incur a 3% processing fee.
- If a change in method of payment is needed at any time, the parent is responsible for contacting Esther Abelson at est@bethami.org
- Full tuition payments are due even if a child does not attend class or school is closed for any reason.
- An overdue balance will trigger an email to the guardian(s) with a deadline to rectify the account. If the account is not current by the deadline given, then the child may be immediately dismissed from school.
- If a parent withdraws a child from school at any time for any reason, then there will be no refunds of tuition paid, but no further tuition will be due.
- Each change to a child’s pre-set Kibbutz schedule will result in a $50 administrative fee, which will be automatically charged to the method of payment (credit card or ACH) used at the time of Registration.
- Drop-in extended care fees will be processed through the family’s ShulCloud account at the time the additional service is provided. These fees will be charged to the method of payment (credit card or ACH) used at the time of Registration.
- Click here to download this payment policy.