TBA High
TBAHigh is a multi-faceted and all-encompassing approach to Jewish teen engagement for students in grade 8-12. Our program focuses on Jewish learning, identity and community-building, and it draws on the best practices of successful youth engagement.
TBAHigh runs on a four-week rotation. The following is the schedule:
WEEK 1: Tochnit (Large Scale Programming)
School-wide programming exploring relevant hot topics and holiday celebrations through experiential programs and discussion. Tochnit are designed and planned by the TBAHigh Student Council.

WEEK 2: Grade Level Kehillah/Chugim (Community & Activity)
Students will rotate by grade to each chug (activity). Chugim may include:
Kehillah: Building and strengthening community through fun, engaging grade-level activities.
Art: Exploring creative expression with Jewish mixed-media arts.
Cooking: Hands on culinary classes through a Jewish lens. Students eat the food prepared!
Social Action: Engaging students in hands-on community service projects (onsite & offsite) within the context of Jewish values. Students earn 2 SSL hours per class.
Music: Building community through the power of music.
WEEK 3: Grade Level Curriculum
8th Grade: Comparative Judaism: Students explore the intricacies of major Jewish denominations through conversations with different Rabbis.
9th Grade: Comparative Religion: Students learn about Christianity, Islam and eastern religions through an introductory lesson and conversations with various members and leaders from various houses of worship throughout the community.
10th Grade: Confirmation: Students meet with the Rabbis as they evaluate and clarify their beliefs and reaffirm their commitment to Judaism at a Confirmation Service.
11th Grade: Social Justice: Students identify the Jewish values associated with Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and apply them to current issues in our community. Students learn about philanthropy through different philanthropic opportunities
12th Grade: Graduation: The senior class explores a variety of topics including college preparation, making Jewish choices, budgeting, confronting anti-Semitism and Israel issues on campus, nutrition and creating a Jewish home. Students are honored for their commitment to Jewish education at a celebratory Shabbat service in the spring.

WEEK 4: Leadership Elective
Leadership 101:
Comprehensive study of effective leadership with a focus on teambuilding. You are a leader! This elective is for 8th grade students.
Student Council Programming Committee:
Students meet on leadership nights to help the TBAHigh Programming VP’s plan one of the year’s final large-scale programs. Great way for students to discover if they are interested in having a further role in TBAHigh student council in the coming years.
Student Council Kehillah Committee:
Students meet on leadership nights to help the TBAHigh Kehillah VP’s with planning social events. Great way for students to discover if they are interested in having a further role in TBAHigh student council in the coming years. Students in this committee will plan one event each month. Events are scheduled for outside of Tuesday nights and are a way for TBAHigh students to get to know each other and have some fun!
Student Council Social Action Committee:
Students meet on leadership nights to help the TBAHigh Social Action VP’s with planning social action projects. Great way for students to discover if they are interested in having a further role in TBAHigh student council in the coming years. Students in this committee will plan the Social Action chugs for each grade level. All students in TBAHigh will take part in the Social Action project that this committee works to plan and execute.
Student Council Religious and Cultural Committee:
Students meet on leadership nights to help the TBAHigh Religious and Cultural VP’s with planning creative services, overnights and holiday celebrations. Great way for students to discover if they are interested in having a further role in TBAHigh student council in the coming years. Students in this committee will collaborate on all TBAHigh programming and work to plan the Teen Rosh Hashana service.
Trips and Retreats
Each year, a special trip or retreat is planned for each grade.
- 8th-12th Grade: Snow tubing with an in-house overnight; Spring overnight.
- 8th Grade: Baltimore Day Trip
- 9th Grade: Love, Relationships and Sexuality Retreat – Held at TBA
- 10th Grade: Confirmation trip to NYC
- 11th & 12th Grade: Southern Civil Rights Journey and an exciting NEW trip to be announced in fall 2024.
Trip and retreat dates will be shared with students and parents and posted to the Machane calendar.