Machane TBA Katan (Pre-K) Overview

Katan has an experiential, interactive curriculum introducing Jewish concepts in a fun, engaging way to foster a love of Jewish learning. The major holidays are taught with an emphasis on family traditions and rituals with an extended emphasis on Shabbat. We teach about Jewish culture and Hebrew words that are relevant in their daily lives. We focus on community-building within the class to encourage friendships and provide a caring, supportive atmosphere.

Read below for detailed information. 

Holidays (Chagim)

  • Students will learn basic traditions about Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah, Tu B’Shevat, Purim, Passover, Yom Ha’Atzma’ut, Shavuot and Shabbat.
  • Students will engage in hands-on activities including craft projects, games, puzzles and music to learn about the holidays.
  • Students sample foods associated with the various holidays, including weekly juice and challah for Shabbat.
  • Students will hear stories about the festivals and learn related songs.
  • Students will practice the Shabbat blessings with their weekly snack of juice and challah.

Jewish Culture

  • Students will tour the synagogue with their class and learn that it is a place to pray and meet with friends.
  • Students will identify ritual objects in the sanctuary.
  • Students will meet our clergy in their classroom for story time and during Shira (music) and T’filah (prayer) sessions.

Jewish Values (Middot)

Students will learn about the following Jewish values through stories, discussions and activities: Chesed (kindness), Reut (friendship), Mitzvot (commandments/good deeds),  Nidivut (sharing/generosity) and shalom babayit (peace in the home/family relationships)

Bible Stories

Students will learn about Noah’s Ark and Daniel and the Lions, and have fun, related activities to reinforce the stories and values. 

Hebrew (Ivrit)

  • Students will be introduced to the names and sounds of the Hebrew letters in the Alef-Bet order through experiential, engaging activities.
  • Students will learn Hebrew words for the weather during kehillah (community) time.
  • Students will learn Hebrew words for articles of clothing.

Katan/Gan Shabbat Family Experience:

One Friday night during the school year, we plan a special activity for students to celebrate Shabbat with Katan and Gan friends and their families.  After that, we will join the Primary Pajama Shabbat Service, which is age appropriate for PreK-2nd grade and end the evening with an Oneg.