
PreK – Grade 2

Guided by our caring and creative teachers and clergy, our youngest students (PreK-Gr. 2) at Machane TBA experience a broad introduction to Judaism.   They explore Jewish holidays, Hebrew, bible stories, synagogue rituals, tefillah (prayer) and Jewish values such as tzedakah (charitable giving) and tikkun olam (repairing the world).

Classes are held on Sundays from 9:30-11:30 AM.
Optional Primary Enrichment and Primary Kehillah– Sundays 11:30 AM -12:30 PM

For Classroom Curriculum Information Click the Icons Below.

Our Program

By the end of Bet (Gr. 2) many students in our program are successfully able to decode basic one and two-syllable Hebrew words, are familiar with holiday observances and able to participate in important Jewish rituals.

Primary students engage in Chugim, which are weekly specialty activities, such as Omanut (Jewish art), Shira (music), Yoga and T’filah (prayer). Students have the opportunity to engage with our Rabbis when they join classes for story time or Ask the Rabbi sessions.  In addition, students engage in large scale interactive programs such as a Passover Seder, Jonah and the Whale reenactment, Noah’s Arkade Program, Jacob & Esau Sibling Rivalry Relay, and a variety Tikkun Olam activities.

Our Atzmai’im Inclusion program is available to Primary students.

Simchat Torah Primary

Atzmai’im Inclusion Program

Our school is extremely proud to have one of the longest-standing synagogue inclusion programs in the DC Metro area which serves students of all abilities. The Atzma’im program is available on Sunday mornings. This cohort of students is fully included among their peers and is supervised by a highly-trained Inclusion Coordinator and aided by a team of trained student madrichim who provide one-on-one support and assistance. This program represents a partnership between families and Machane TBA, and students participate in a capacity which works most effectively for their individual needs.

Additional Optional Programming

Primary Enrichment
Primary Enrichment provides our K-2nd grade students with three high quality, fun, educational 7-week sessions on Sunday mornings after their regular Machane TBA class. Students are given the opportunity to engage in social activities and meet children from other grades and classes.   Programs are led by community professionals that are focused on music, sports, science and art. 

Primary Kehillah
Primary Kehillah are stand-alone programs for our K-2nd grade students held on Sunday mornings after their regular Machane TBA class. These are structured social programs with a themed engaging activity. Some examples of Kehillah programs are:  Creating crafts to be sold to raise funds for a nonprofit animal sanctuary, baking hamentashen and making mishloach manot gift bags to donate.  We have also brought in specialists such as Mad Science and DinoRock Puppet Theatre to lead programs. 

REGISTRATION OPEN!  2024-2025 Primary Enrichment and Kehillah Programs