Gan Ami School Forms Forms for Prospective Families School Inquiry Form School Registration Registration Procedures (An Overview on ShulCloud Set Up/Registration) Set up a ShulCloud Account (For New Families) Complete Online Registration(For Returning Families/Those with a ShulCloud Account) Required Annual Forms FILLED OUT FOR ALL CHILDREN (except Kofim) These forms must be filled out for […]
Mattot/Masei – 5780
Mattot/Masei – 5780 Numbers 30:2 – 36:13 The moment had arrived. Assembled near the Eastern bank of the Jordan river, their forty years of wandering almost complete, our ancestors began preparations to finally enter and settle the Promised Land. What a surprise it must have been for Moses when a delegation from Reuben and Gad, […]
Pinchas – 5780
Pinchas – 5780 Numbers 25:10 – 30:1 This week’s Torah portion has a lot of anger. That is, as Rabbi Pamela Wax teaches (1), five different expressions and types of anger are woven into the parasha, and in essence, serve as a unifying theme. Here are just three: The portion opens with a murder, […]
Chukkat/Balak – 5780
Chukkat/Balak -5780 (for our new and departing board members) Numbers 19:1 – 25:9 Let’s talk about miracles. When we think about miracles, we tend to think of God, but in Chukkat, it is Moses who performs the miracle. Here is the story: Miriam (Moses’ sister) was a water diviner, and for close to forty years […]
Korach – 5780
Korach – 5780 Numbers 16:1 – 18:32 Torah teaches us to speak truth to power, to challenge authority for the sake of a greater good. Contrary to so many other ancient traditions, which equated disagreement with disloyalty, and often punished it with death, both Abraham and Moses are able to successfully challenge God. Even more, […]
Shelach Lecha – 5780
Shelach Lecha – 5780 Numbers 13:1 – 15:41 In Shelach Lecha God tells Moses to send twelve scouts to the Promised Land, so that they can bring back a report. The scouts return and say that the land is rich with “milk and honey,” but ten of the twelve go on to say that it […]

Shofar Corps
Shofar Corps Join our High Holy Day Team For more information and if you’d like to be a part of Shofar Corps 2024, please email Phyllis Silverman. Articles to Help You Practice Shofar Information – How to Blow a Shofar by aJudaica A Shofar is an ancient wind instrument, made from the horn of an […]
BeHa’alotecha – 5780
BeHa’alotecha – 5780 Numbers 8:1 – 12:16 This is the week everything changes. The first ten chapters of the book of Numbers are about the pageantry and grand preparations for our great national journey of uplift. No longer will we be on the path from oppression in Egypt. No, midway through chapter ten we start […]
Naso – 5780
Naso – 5780 Numbers 4:21 – 7:89 For as long as I can remember, we Jews have spoken about the importance of Tikkun Olam, of repairing the world. When we began to look at how broken the world is and worried that it was too much to handle, we (quoted the rabbis and) said, “We […]
Shavuot – 5780
Shavuot – 5780 Older Posts