Shalom Aleichem
Shalom Aleichem Page Shabbat Only Mishkan T’filah: 24 Mishkan T’filah: 142
Shalom Aleichem Page Shabbat Only Mishkan T’filah: 24 Mishkan T’filah: 142
Gan Ami Tuitions, Fees & Payment Policies The following are the tuitions for the 23-24 school year. The tuition for the 24-25 school year will be posted once the Board of Directors approves the fiscal 2025 budget. Class 3 day Bets 4 day Bets 5 day Bets 4 day Gimels 5 day Gimels 5 day […]
Gan Ami of Temple Beth Ami 2022 Summer Program FAQ 1. What is Gan Ami? Gan Ami is the name for all of Temple Beth Ami’s early childhood programs. Gan Ami includes our school year classes, summer program, and adult-child programs. Gan means both “garden” and “preschool” in Hebrew. Gan Ami is Temple Beth Ami’s […]
2023 – 2024 Extended Day Options and Pricing: All Gan Ami children will participate in their core school class (Bets, Gimels, or Dalets). In addition, you may choose for your child to arrive early or stay late, as needed. You will register for these extended day options when you register for your child’s core program. […]
WTBA Judaica Shop Enjoy two great ways to shop! Shop online from the comfort and safety of your own home. Contact Jackie Manis to set up a time to shop “face to face” virtually. Thank you for supporting WTBA through your Judaica Shop purchases.
Crafty Kehillah TBA’s Crafty Kehillah welcomes anyone with an interest or passion for craft/creativity! From knitters to crocheters, to bead enthusiasts and watercolor painters, we gather by Zoom each Sunday morning to work on our crafts “together,” catch up, and build camaraderie. Join us for an hour of creative talk and connection. Contact Denise Feldman […]
Lori Rosenstock Lori joined the Machane TBA Professional Staff team in 2019 to provide administrative assistance, including maintaining the website, parent communications and other office support. Prior to this, she was an Executive Assistant in International Lodging at Marriott International for 18 years. Lori enjoys photography, reading and spending time at her […]
Re’eh – 5780 Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17 This week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Re’eh tells us “If there is a needy person among you, one of your kin in any of your settlements in the land that the Eternal your God is giving you, do not harden your heart and shut your hand against your needy kin. Rather […]
Va’Etchanan – 5780 Deuteronomy 3:23 – 7:11 This week’s parasha contains some of the biggest moments of Torah: a recap of the Ten Commandments, the Shema and the V’Ahavta are all here! Usually, rabbis can’t stop writing about the various layers of wisdom woven throughout these passages, and I am no exception. However, this year, […]
Devarim – 5780 Deuteronomy 1:1 – 3:22 George Bernard Shaw once quipped: “For those who can’t do, teach.” Since the moment he first uttered these words (if not earlier), many westerners have judged teachers as those who failed to succeed at their chosen professions – as if teaching itself was not a noble and […]