School Supplies Collection For South Lake Elementary School July 17-28, 2023
Attention Gan Ami Summer Program & Kayitz Campers! We’re Collecting School Supplies! Email Susan Stern Donate Via ShulCloud
Attention Gan Ami Summer Program & Kayitz Campers! We’re Collecting School Supplies! Email Susan Stern Donate Via ShulCloud
Pinchas Num. 25:10 – 30:1 By: Rabbi Baht Weiss Hidden away in this week’s Torah portion, Pinchas, is the story of five remarkable women-Machlah, Noa, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah—better known as the Daughters of Zelophehad. In a patriarchal society in which land was passed down from man to man, these women find themselves in a […]
Shabbat at the Beach 6:30pm, Ocean City, MD For our congregants who will be on the Eastern Shore this summer season. TBA is thrilled to invite you to a one-night only Shabbat service on the beach in Ocean City. Rain or shine, we’ll be there to celebrate Shabbat in a truly unique way. Bring your […]
Chukkat/Balak Num. 19:1 – 22:1/Num. 22:2 – 25:9 Rabbi Gary Pokras If animals could talk, what would they say? In this week’s double parasha, the pagan prophet Balaam finds out. As the Israelites made their way closer to the Promised Land, they asked for passage through the territory of a king named Balak. The king, […]
Korach Num 16:1 – 18:32 Rabbi Baht Weiss There is nothing more dangerous to a society or an organization than a rebellion. In this week’s parsha, a man named Korach (along with two hundred and fifty men) rose up against Moses and Aaron and said to them: “You have gone too far! For all the […]
TBA Tribune – June 2023 View Mobile Version Online View Desktop Version Online
Shelach L’cha Num 13:1 – 15:41 Rabbi Gary Pokras Israelis are not known as the most patient people in the world. When I lived in Israel in the 90s there were no lines at the bus stop to get on the bus. As the driver opened the door, everyone dove in, and the winner was […]
BeHa’alotecha Num. 8:1 – 12:16 Rabbi Baht Yameem Weiss In her book, “Leadership in the Wilderness,” Dr. Erica brown writes, “the role of preparation and organization in facing uncertainty cannot be underestimated.” We look to our leaders to guide us in moments of change. Leaders can also become the recipients of blame if anything goes […]