Shabbat Across Beth Ami
23 Feb @ 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Join TBA as we share a Shabbat together
– throughout our community.
We are thrilled to announce our upcoming Shabbat Across Beth Ami event! This is a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together and share a meal while enjoying each other’s company during Shabbat. As in previous years, TBA will be matching host homes with guests. However, this year we are excited to announce that we will also be hosting a meal for singles 65+ at TBA, as well as a separate dinner for the Gan Ami community or for families with preschool aged children.
There will be NO Erev Shabbat service in the Sanctuary on Friday, February 23. Instead, our clergy team will record Shabbat greetings and blessings to view on your phone, tablet, or laptop during your Shabbat Across Beth Ami dinner.
Sign Up to Host
- Register to offer your home to host other TBA folks for dinner.
- Provide the entrée for dinner.
- The Temple will provide each host with a Shabbat bag containing a freshly baked challah, a bottle of wine, 2 Shabbat candles and blessing sheets.
- The Temple will do the matching and send a list of dinner guests at least a week before the dinner, (unless the host chooses to coordinate their own guest list from our membership).
- Coordinate a potluck menu and start time with your guests.
Sign Up to be a Guest
Register to attend a Shabbat dinner at the home of a TBA member.
Bring a dish to share as part of the Potluck Shabbat dinner.
Sign Up to Attend Single 65+ Potluck
The TBA Singles 65+ are invited to participate at a private potluck Shabbat dinner at Temple Beth Ami!
- $10 per person – Ticket price includes wine, challah, and chicken (main dish)
- Guest are invited to contribute one of the following: Side Dish, Salad, or Dessert/Fruit
Sign Up to Attend Gan Ami/Young Families Dinner
All families with Preschool age kids are invited to join for a dinner and craft
- Evening begins at 5:30 PM
- Families will enjoy a catered Moby Dick buffet and chicken nuggest for children. Meal includes challah, wine & canned cocktails for the parents, juice, coffee & dessert. $12 per adults and $6 for children. Max/family $36