Order Kippot For B'nai Mitzvot and Weddings

Mazel tov B’nei Mitzvah families, brides and grooms!
WTBA can save you 15-20% off kippot for your simcha!
Go to www.kippah.com to make your selections from their wide range of options and customizations. E-mail your selections to Melissa Bauman. Please include the following information:
- Model number or description of the kippah
- Kippah color
- Quantity (there is an $12 surcharge for orders below 60)
- Do you want a button?
- Do you want trim? If so, which color?
- Do you want clips? If so, which color?
- Do you want a logo? If so, which one?
- Imprint color
- Personalization text
- Font style
- Delivery address
Melissa will submit your order under WTBA’s wholesale, tax-exempt account and pass the savings on to you!
Please allow four weeks for delivery.