Introduction to Temple Beth Ami Nursery School
Our Mission: Joyful Jewish Learning
Our Philosophy: We are a welcoming and inclusive Reform Jewish community, where passionate teachers nurture and enrich the lives of our children and families in a joyful learning environment.
At Temple Beth Ami Nursery School, children acquire skills for positive, life-long social and emotional development. Teachers encourage curiosity, questioning, and a love of learning so that each child builds a solid foundation for continued school success.
As a learning community of educators and parents, we teach by providing children with opportunities to interact, explore and problem solve through intentional and creative play.
Our History: Temple Beth Ami founded a school for young children in 1989 and fondly called it Temple Beth Ami Nursery School (TBANS, pronounced T-Bans), reflecting our connection to the larger congregation and our priority of providing a nurturing, warm, and intimate Jewish setting for our children. We stay true to our roots and core values, but we frequently reflect on the program and update the curriculum to meet the ever-changing needs of our community and to ensure children’s readiness for later schooling.
Our Curriculum: In 2018, TBANS created our “Framework for Early Education” to express our specific goals for TBANS students and to delineate the skills that we work to help each child build during their time in our school, as they prepare for future social and academic success. TBANS Framework for Early Education may be viewed on our website and in our office.