Summer Program 2025
2 Year Olds – Pre-K
June 16 – July 25
Gan Ami is pleased to offer two 3-week sessions* of summer fun for young children!
Lots of outdoor time, water play, crafts, singing and more! Gan Ami staff will provide age appropriate, summertime experiences each day. Specialists, special events, and special treats every week.
2 year-olds: 9:30 – 12:00
3 and 4 year-olds: 9:30 – 1:00
Aftercare for 3’s and 4’s: 1:00 – 3:30
*There are options for some two-week sessions.
Contact Paula Sayag, Director of Early Childhood Programs
Contact Paula Sayag, Director of Early Childhood Programs

Machane TBA Summer Camp
Grades K-7
June 16 – July 25
Kayitz is excited to offer 6 weeks of Specialty Camp for rising K-7th graders!
Campers enrolled in Kayitz will spend half of each day exploring one specialty area each week. Specialty areas are Restaurant Wars, Drama, LEGO and Robotics, Art, “Nailed It!” (Baking) and Sports Clinics. Specialists will work with campers to enhance skill levels in these areas. In addition, all Kayitz campers will engage in outdoor sports and water activities, art, social justice projects and more. Hot lunch will be available to order.
Employment and volunteer opportunities are available for rising 8th-12th graders.
Contact Kim Roberts, Director of Education,
or Alyssa Katon, Supervisor, L’Mata, TBAHigh and Kayitz
Contact Kim Roberts, Director of Education,
or Alyssa Katon, Supervisor, L’Mata, TBAHigh and Kayitz

Summer Programs will adhere to all safety guidelines established by CDC and Maryland Department of Health (MDH). Additionally, Gan Ami will follow regulations established by Maryland State Department of Education Office of Child Care, and Kayitz will follow regulations established by Maryland Department Of Health Youth Camp Licensing.
Given ongoing changes in regulations, program offerings are subject to change.