Grade 7
TBAjrHigh is on Tuesday evenings.
Start with an optional pizza dinner from 6 PM – 6:30 PM.
Classes are from 6:30 PM – 8 PM
The 7th grade curriculum is designed around the topic of Jewish Identity. As our 7th grade students approach becoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah, they will explore what it means to be a Jewish adult in our community and in the world around them. In classrooms and/or large group settings and with a variety of programs and speakers, the students will learn about American Jewish life, history, the Holocaust and Israel.
There is a strong emphasis on community and relationship building with a goal of strengthening the students’ connections to one another, to Temple Beth Ami and to the greater Jewish community.
Each week, we take a moment to honor the current week’s B’nei mitzvah student(s), concluding with an Oneg (dessert).
There will be special nights during the year when parents will be invited to join us.
Holocaust Education
For 5 weeks, our lessons are focused on Holocaust education. Teaching about the Holocaust is not solely about the 6 million Jews that were brutally murdered. We honor their lives and memory by educating the next generation about what happens when hate, prejudice and injustice become policy. We use lessons from Echoes and Reflections. Our philosophy is to teach from the point of survivors and survivor testimonies, in this way we understand the importance of the survivors sharing their stories with us and our responsibility to educate others.
Students are given the opportunity to participate in an advanced class if they wish to gain a deeper understanding of Holocaust history. This breakout class takes place at the same time as TBAjrHigh.
The Holocaust Curriculum includes a visit and tour of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend.
Special Programming
In addition to the visit to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, other special programming for TBAjrHigh students includes a day trip to visit Jewish Baltimore or Philadelphia and a snow tubing overnight.

A special teen service, led by our TBAHigh Executive Board, is held each Rosh Hashanah. See High Holidays page for more information.