Components of Our Vibrant 3rd-6th Grade Hebrew Program
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Weekly Hebrew instruction in L’Mala (upstairs) classroom-based educational block. Teachers reinforce letter and vowel recognition, decoding skills and prayer fluency and meaning.

Weekly Tfilah (services) in L’mata (downstairs) experiential educational block led by the Cantor and trained song leaders. T’filah is designed to teach students the structure and choreography of the service while learning prayer fluency, melodies and meaning.

Trained Hebrew Madrichim (teen assistants) in each classroom support teachers with Hebrew instruction and work with students individually and in small groups.

Hebrew Resource Specialists in dedicated Hebrew resources spaces. Specialists are available every Sunday to support teachers and to evaluate and work with students both individually and in small groups. The resource program is designed for both Hebrew support and further enrichment.

Grade level specific services on Sunday mornings for 5th and 6th grade students that culminate in leading a Friday evening service for 5th grade and a Saturday morning Torah service for 6th grade.

Complimentary one-on-one Hebrew tutoring available virtually for 5th and 6th grade students. Sign up here.

Prayers for all Shabbat services available online for students to practice at home. Click here (Contact Lisa Goodman for the password)

Hebrew Curriculum by grade on our website to help parents and guardians better understand expectations and goals for each grade. Click here
Individual Hebrew support, evaluations and accommodations available during school hours and outside of school hours by contacting Lisa Goodman, L’mala Supervisor.
For more information about Temple Beth Ami’s commitment to inclusion, click here.