Use the following information if you think school may have an alternate schedule because of snow or another emergency situation. For information on closings, check your email for announcements from Temple Beth Ami and listen to local media for information on Montgomery County Public Schools decisions.
Closings: Temple Beth Ami Nursery School will adhere to Montgomery County Public School’s decision to close for the first two days of a weather incident. Beginning on the third day, Temple Beth Ami will make an independent decision based on the condition of our facility. Check your emails for updates.
Delayed Openings: If Montgomery County Schools have a delayed opening, Early Arrival will begin one hour late at 8:30 am. TBANS regular classes will start on time at 9:30 am.
On MCPS Delayed Opening Days, TBANS will provide drop off service at the entrance to the nursery school from 9:20-9:40. If you choose, you may pull up to the curb, and our staff will escort your child to class. Please take advantage of this option only if your child is ready to exit your car into the care of a TBANS staff member without difficulty that will hinder the flow of traffic.
Early Dismissal: If Montgomery County schools announce an unscheduled early dismissal, all TBANS classes will end at 1:00, and no afternoon activities will be held. Aftercare may stay open till 5 pm at the latest, conditions permitting. Please stay alert to emails for updates.
We ask that you always use your judgment when weather is inclement. If you feel that driving is hazardous, please stay home.