Health Policy Temple Beth Ami’s Early Childhood Programs

Each child must submit a current Maryland State Department of Education Office of Child Care Health Inventory, including an immunization record indicating up-to-date required vaccinations, in order to attend school. Temple Beth Ami strongly encourages all children, parents and teachers to receive vaccinations recommended by the CDC, including vaccines against COVID-19 and Flu.

Montgomery County Department of Health provides guidance to early education schools regarding appropriate protocols in response to children’s illnesses. Gan Ami’s policies are based on their recommendations, as well as those of the CDC, and are subject to change in response to evolving circumstances and regulations.

A child who exhibits any signs of illness in school will be isolated with an adult, while awaiting pick up. A staff member will call a parent or emergency contact and an approved adult must pick up the child within 30 minutes. Signs of illness requiring dismissal include, but are not limited to, fever, 2 episodes of diarrhea, and vomiting. Teachers may also contact parents when behaviors indicate that a child is unusually uncomfortable or “under the weather” and at-home or medical monitoring may be warranted.

Parents must contact the child’s teacher and school director whenever a child is absent due to illness and provide information about symptoms and any diagnosis.

Notices will be sent to other parents when information provided about a medical situation may be instructive for other families watching their own children for signs and symptoms of contagious illnesses. Gan Ami will make a concerted effort to respect the privacy and confidentiality of teachers, students and/or families who may be experiencing health adversity.

A child who has been ill may return to school if these conditions are met:

  • Child has been free of fever and any stomach upset without the aid of medication for at least 24 hours.
  • All symptoms (including skin irritations, stuffy and runny noses and coughs) are substantially resolved and considered not to be contagious.
  • Child has taken any medication, prescribed or otherwise, for a minimum of 24 hours at home.
  • Child has required documentation on file for any medications that must be administered during the school day.
  • Child feels comfortable, has regained stamina, and can fully participate in all school activities.
  • Child does not require support or treatment during the school day that will require additional time and effort from school staff, without first consulting with classroom teachers and school director and confirming the school’s ability to fulfill the need.
  • Child has followed all doctor’s orders regarding this illness and recovery and school attendance.

If a child has missed three or more days of school due to illness, a parent must send an email stating when the child will return to school and that the child is physically well and has met all the criteria for returning to a regular schedule. This email may be sent to the Director, Paula Sayag or Administrative Manager, Bari Handelman.

When a child has lice, the child must be treated, and all nits and bugs must be removed. If a child is treated by a professional lice remover, then the child may return to school with the treatment certificate provided by the professional. If a child is treated by the parents, then the school will check the child’s head to clear them for reentry to school. Other children may be checked by authorized school personnel. Other parents may be notified so they can monitor their own children accordingly.