Guidelines for B'nei Mitzvah Remarks
One of the most important roles that a B’nei Mitzvah assumes when called to the bima is that of a moreh/morah (teacher). On the Shabbat of your B’nei Mitzvah celebration, you will be the teacher of Torah and Jewish wisdom to the congregation. You will have two (2) opportunities to teach. The first opportunity is to teach the congregation something about the Torah and Haftarah portions for the Shabbat. The second opportunity is when you will give a more personal set of remarks, based on a saying found in Pirke Avot, a basic book of Jewish wisdom and values based on the teachings of famous rabbis from long ago.
In your packet of B’nei Mitvah materials are two worksheets to help you organize your ideas and opinions about your portions and the passage from Pirke Avot that you will choose. One is for the D’var Torah, your speech about the Torah and Haftarah portions. The other is for your Personal Pirke Avot Speech. Below are some tips, suggestions, and copies of those sheets to help you prepare successfully.