Tikkun Olam - Community service Web Banner
Helping the Hungry

At TBA, we believe in the power of community and the importance of Tikkun Olam — the Jewish commandment of “repairing the world.” Our Tikkun Olam Committee is dedicated to providing opportunities for Temple members to make a meaningful impact on underserved people in our local community and beyond.

We are excited to announce the relaunch of our Tikkun Olam efforts at TBA, with a renewed focus on inclusivity and accessibility. Our programs and activities are designed to engage and inspire all members of our community, regardless of age, ability, or background. Together, we can create positive change and fulfill the sacred duty of Tikkun Olam.

Join us in our mission to repair the world, one act of kindness at a time.

Support Back to School at South lake Elementary
South Lake Cafeteria
Community of Action
South Lake Hallways

Support South Lake Students with Headphones and Volunteer Opportunities!

Join us for Picnic Shabbat and Back to Shul, and bring ART SUPPLIES for the children of South Lake!

These supplies will help children unleash their creativity at home, allowing them to create art, make cards, and express themselves. We are keeping it simple: crayons, colored pencils, paper pads, coloring books, and watercolor paints.

Visit the Tikkun Olam table at these events to drop off your items and learn more about our plans for this year!

Upcoming Events

Market Day at South Lake ES

  • Date: Wednesday, October 2
  • Time: 3:00 pm
  • What to Do: Help set up the market, arrange fruits and vegetables, and assist parents in shopping for necessary food items
  • Volunteer Age Requirement: 16+

Tour of South Lake ES

  • Date: Wednesday, October 2
  • Activity: Take a tour of South Lake Elementary School during Market Day
  • Purpose: See this amazing partner of TBA TO’s for the past 7 years and learn about their successes (a brand new school!) and their challenges. Discover where you fit in and how you can contribute to their ongoing success.

After School Club Volunteers Needed

  • Where: South Lake Elementary School
  • Role: Volunteer to run an after-school club at South Lake once a week for 2 hours. Volunteers must be ages 16+.
  • Options:
    • Science Club, Chess Club, Board Games Club, Knitting/Crochet Club, Friendship Bracelets Club, or Soccer Club
  • Specific Opportunity: Join the Art Club crew on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5:00 pm.

Join TBA TO in making a positive impact on our community by donating headphones and volunteering your time!

Sukkot Food Donations

Coming Soon: TBA Tikkun Olam Sukkot Event!

Join us during Sukkot for a special opportunity to pack and deliver boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables to refugee families supported by our congregation. This event will take place on a Sunday morning near Sukkot in the Temple lobby, and also at various Sukkot services and events in the Sukkah.

Stay tuned for more details on how you can sign up to pack or drive and make a difference in our community!

All TBA Upcoming Community Service Events

  1. 07 Aug

    Volunteer at I Support the Girls

    10:00 am - 12:00 pm