JCADA’s Teal Shabbat Service

24 Mar @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Every year in April, Jews around the world gather and recount their liberation from Egypt, freedom from slavery, and survival as a Jewish nation. Pesach traditions bring together family and friends to celebrate, rejoice, and remember. However, for survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault, this can be extremely triggering as they may face their abusers.

Every year, JCADA commemorates Sexual Assault Awareness Month throughout April with Teal Shabbat, by encouraging clergy and religious leaders to talk about this issue from the bimah within their congregations and communities.

During this very special Shabbat service our TBA clergy will be discussing Teal Shabbat and how we can all be mindful of domestic abuse.

For information about how to get involved with the Greater Washington Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse, click here.

To learn about what qualifies Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), how to identify it and what you can do to help, click here.