Learning Resources
My Jewish Year Holiday Book
Hebrew Letter Flashcards
Jewish Values – PJ Library Values Curriculum
Curriculum: Our Bet curriculum is interactive and engaging while encompassing a more in-depth study of Hebrew letters, vowels and words. The students will begin reading basic one and two syllable words. We focus on Jewish values and explore ways to make the world a better place using the lessons learned from the PJ Library Values Curriculum and Bible stories. We strive to create a deeper connection to our classmates, Judaism, the Synagogue and our larger community through discussion, art, music and holiday celebrations.
Judaic Studies (Shiur)
Jewish Values (Middot):
Students will learn about the following Jewish values from age appropriate bible stories and storybooks: Mitzvot (commandments/good deeds), Chesed (showing kindness), Kavod (respect), Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), Emet (honesty), Tzedakah (righteous giving), Adam Yehidi Nivrah (respecting differences), Hoda’ah (gratitude), Teshuva (forgiveness). They will engage in discussions and activities reinforcing how these values positively influence their lives and the people around them.
Holidays (Chagim)
Students will be able to identify the major Jewish holidays: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah, Tu B’Shevat, Purim, Passover, Yom Ha’atzmaut, and Shavuot and the modern practices associated with each holiday.
Students will learn about their historical significance and modern practices associated with each.
- They will learn Jewish songs and read stories about the festivals.
- They will identify symbols, foods, and vocabulary related to the festivals and Shabbat, including weekly juice and challah for Shabbat.* Students will hear and repeat prayers related to the festivals.
- Students will learn objects associated with celebrating Shabbat and the Shabbat prayers.
- Students will associate Shabbat with the Biblical story of Creation and resting in their daily lives and compare Shabbat with an ordinary day of the week.
- Students will participate in the Shabbat Family Experience to develop skills for celebrating Shabbat.
*We will resume this activity when safe to do so.
Bible Stories (Torah)
Students will learn Bible stories building on the Alef (first grade) curriculum and the values associated with the stories.
Hebrew (Ivrit)
- Students will study the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the vowels.
- Students will be able to identify differences in reading English and Hebrew.
- Students will begin to read one and two syllable words.
- They will learn how to decode cultural Hebrew words, such as Shabbat.
- Children will learn the Hebrew vocabulary words for the days of the week and object/people you find in a classroom.
One Friday night during the school year, we plan a special activity for students to celebrate Shabbat with Bet friends and their families. After that, we will join the Primary Pajama Shabbat Service, which is age appropriate for PreK-2nd grade and end the evening with an Oneg