Daily Schedule
7:30 am
Optional “Early Arrival” available with prior reservations. Supervised free play time.
9:30 am
The school day officially begins. Teachers welcome children into their classrooms and help them follow their established routine to prepare for the day. Teachers then encourage children to engage in a variety of small group activities with peers. Teachers facilitate the use of the instructional materials to support the development of emotional, social, and intellectual skills.
10:00 am
Classes meet to discuss the schedule of the day. Teachers share new concepts and plans. Books, songs, and movement and language games enhance the experience. The focus is on interacting appropriately and communicating effectively in a large group to build community and provoke curiosity.
10:20 am
The majority of the educational program may include, but is not limited to the following:
- Movement classes focusing on self-control, body awareness, coordination, and endurance
- Music classes focusing on language development, auditory discrimination, following directions, and cultural awareness
- Discovery Room with activities for sensory regulation and body control
- Expert visits from Temple staff, parents, and others to supplement areas of study
- Outdoor experiences focusing on nature exploration and large muscle exercise
- “Ride Room” time (particularly in inclement weather) for different large motor training
- Story time focusing on listening, comprehension skills and vocabulary building
- Literacy experiences, including Handwriting Without Tears activities for 4-5 year olds
- Art experiences focusing on creativity, risk-taking and perseverance
- Dramatic Play focusing on promoting imagination and social skills
- Puzzles and manipulatives focusing on small motor development and problem-solving
- Building with blocks and other intricacies focusing on planning, creating, and team work
- Snack time
12:00 pm
Lunch time
12:30 pm
A closing routine ends the core school day for Bet classes (2-3 year olds)
Optional “Rest and Play” available Monday – Friday, 12:30-2:30
1:00 pm
A closing routine ends the core school day for Gimel classes (3-4 year olds), Monday-Friday
A closing routine ends the core school day for Dalet classes (4-5 year olds) on Monday, Thursday, Friday
Optional “Afternoon Activities” available, 1:00-2:30
2:30 pm
A closing routine ends the core school day for Dalet classes (4 year olds) on Tuesday and Wednesday
All “Afternoon Activities” are dismissed