TBAHigh is a multi-faceted and all-encompassing approach to Jewish teen engagement for students in grade 8-12. Our program focuses on Jewish learning, identity and community-building, and it draws on the best practices of successful youth engagement.
TBAHigh will run on a four-week rotation, with the following schedule for Tuesday evenings:
WEEK 1: Tochnit (Large Scale Programming)
School-wide programming exploring relevant hot topics and holiday celebrations through experiential programs and discussion.
WEEK 2: Grade Level Kehillah/Chugim (Community & Activity)
Kehillah: Building and strengthening community through fun, engaging grade-level activities.
Art: Exploring creative expression with Jewish mixed-media arts.
Cooking: Hands on culinary classes through a Jewish lens. Students eat the food prepared!
Social Action: Engaging students in hands-on community service projects (onsite & offsite) within the context of Jewish values. Students earn 2 SSL hours per class.
Music: Building community through the power of music.
WEEK 3: Grade Level Curriculum
8th Grade: Comparative Judaism: Students explore the intricacies of major Jewish denominations through interactive lessons and trips.
9th Grade: Comparative Religion: Students learn about Christianity, Islam and eastern religions through an introductory lesson and trips to various houses of worship throughout the community.
10th Grade: Confirmation: Students meet with the Rabbis as they evaluate and clarify their beliefs and reaffirm their commitment to Judaism at a Confirmation Service.
11th Grade: Social Action: Students identify the Jewish values associated with Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and apply them to current issues in our community through programs on and off-site.
12th Grade: Graduation: The senior class explores a variety of topics including college preparation, making Jewish choices, budgeting, confronting anti-Semitism and Israel issues on campus, nutrition and creating a Jewish home. Students are honored for their commitment to Jewish education at a celebratory Shabbat service in the spring.
WEEK 4: Leadership Elective
Leadership 101: Comprehensive study of effective leadership with a focus on teambuilding.
Student Council Programming Committee: Planning large-scale programs.
Student Council Kehillah Committee: Planning social events.
Student Council Social Action Committee: Planning social action projects.
Student Council Cultural Committee: Planning creative services and overnights.
Aliyah Bet: Continuing Jewish education focused on interest-driven topics.
Song Leading: Learning to lead and cultivate community through the power of music.
Homework Hangout: Students socialize while doing homework, with peer and staff support.
Each year, a special trip or retreat is planned for each grade.
- 8th Grade: Overnight at Baltimore Aquarium
- 9th Grade: Love, Relationships and Sexuality Retreat – Held at TBA
- 10th Grade: Confirmation trip to NYC
- 11th & 12th Grade : Trips alternate between a Southern Civil Rights Journey and the “L’Taken” program run by the Religious Action Center.
- Trip and retreat dates are shared on the Machane Calendar and Month at a Glance, which can be found on the Machane website.